Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians

Today we talked about the 5 Finger Rule for finding 'just right' books and then we practiced.  We read, "Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians" where Goldie Socks used the five finger rule to see if her book was too hard.  She started with a closed fist.  When she came to a word she couldn't read, she put up one finger.  All five fingers went up while reading the first page of the book, so she knew that book was too hard for her.  She tried another book that was too easy.  Then she found a book that was just right.  We are looking for books to read that are just right for us.  Please help your child to use the five finger rule at home when they are reading.  Remember that we are reading for 20 minutes by ourselves every night and 10 minutes to someone else.

We went to the Learning Commons today to get ourselves new reading material.  Your child should have new books to read with you tonight.  Wednesday's will always be our book exchange day.

Ask your child how many words they were able to make when we played 'Rush' this afternoon.

Friday September 29th is our annual Terry Fox run.  It will immediately follow our Pillars of Care assembly (approximately 9:30am).  Everyone is welcome.  We are collecting Toonies for Terry from Monday September 25th to Friday September 29th.  You can also go to:  to donate online.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and wearing appropriate shoes to run (running shoes).  Thank you for your support.

Book orders due tomorrow
Meet the Teacher night tomorrow
No school Friday

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