"Does that make sense?" is a question I ask a lot during the day. In math it could be to the answer, an estimation, a pattern, the place value of a given number. Students also need to be able to rationalize their answer and think clearly about what they are doing. Today we played a number sense game called 'Guess My Number.' I introduced some questions that could be asked about a number, such as, "Is the number even?" "Is it between ___ and ____?" The range we used today was 1-100. I secretly picked a number and held it in my head. On the SMARTboard we had a hundreds chart. Children began asking me questions about my number and I marked on the hundreds chart the answers. They wrote on their whiteboards what they thought the answer could be and made a prediction. Everyone was involved and everyone had an answer. It was great. As we asked more questions the number was narrowed down and within the 5 question limit they had figured out my number. We played several times and we will play again tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. Number sense is super important. Help your child by playing at home, in the car, waiting at the restaurant etc. No tools required, really. Ask your child to "Guess My Number."
What do author's do? Actually a book that we read today. First we brainstormed all the things we thought author's do and then we read the book! The author showed us how authors develop their ideas into books and find a publisher. They gave us ideas about where to look for things to write about too. We then went to work on our 'Friends' poem which may have come home in your child's backpack. If their writing was not finished they were asked to take it home and finish for tomorrow. They have in their journal the example from Jessica Crum we are using and the beginning of their own poem. I will be marking their writing for capitals, ideas (hidden gems) following the pattern (You get, I'll get, We'll go together) and sentences that make sense. Other children were working on their heart map of things they know and love and can write about.
Friends homework due tomorrow
Terry Fox run Friday - bring a toonie for Terry
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