Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Great Beginnings

We had a day full of great beginnings!  It was nice to see everyone back again rested and ready for the last three months of grade 3.  Hard to believe right?

We began our new science unit with a discussion about the difference between learning and understanding.  Students today get information from a variety of sources but it is what they do with that information that is important.  We will start a unit on building and testing materials in science so we talked about understanding means that we can take some facts that we know and make sense of them by applying it to our work.  We can ask questions, make connections, gather information and add facts to our brains.  We have much work to do in this area.

Division had begun in math.  Today we read, 'The Doorbell Rang' a great story of sharing cookies among various friends.  Students are retelling the story using pictures, numbers and words.  We have already linked division to multiplication and are able to write math equations both ways.

Five pictures were presented to students to draw and then the question was put to them, "What to these items have in common and how might they tell a story?" and so we began a novel study today that is a favorite.  Students have been told if they are familiar with the story not to spoil it for everyone else and if they have seen the movie to know that the book is very different from the movie version.  Ask your student what the novel study title is.

Return the Sharing Dance form we begin tomorrow

Boost Athletic After School Sports Programs
We’d like to invite all students to our After School Soccer Program at Beddington Heights School!
Boost is excited to be offering our 1st program at Beddington Heights School! For the 2018 Spring Season, we will be offering Soccer. The programs are led by Boost Athletic founders Andrew Fleming and Phil Malone and our sport-specific technical staff. All kids are eligible to join, whether they already play or not! We’d love to see new faces out on the field! Our program cost is $50 for each 6 week program and financial assistance is available for those who are in need, we will not turn any kids away because of cost!
If you are interested, please register online to hold your place at www.boostathletic.ca. All students must register online, but payment can be made on the first day via either cash, cheque or debit/credit through our mobile card readers. If you require financial assistance, please email Andrew.fleming@boostathletic.ca after registration and indicate that it is required.
Each program has limited places for the Outdoor Season. We will limit programs to the first 75 registrations.
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Outdoor Soccer
Thursdays 2.30-3.30
April 26th May 31st

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