Tuesday, 20 February 2018

I can recognize a fact and an opinion.

I can recognize a fact and an opinion is the learning objective we are working on this week.  We began by expressing facts we know and then opinions about topics orally.  We read 'The Web Files' because Duckdetective Web always asks for, "Just the facts ma'am.  Just the facts" as he solves crimes in the barnyard.  Together we created an anchor chart with buzz words that will help us determine facts and opinions while we are reading.  Independently students created a foldable for themselves about facts and opinions.  We will take this knowledge into our social studies this week as we look at ways children get to school in other countries.

We started to analyze which products are possible with the factors from 1 to 6 in multiplication from our Circles and Stars answers.  It was an opportunity to think about why some numbers are more likely than others. For instance we have noticed there are no 7's when playing this game but there are a lot of 12's.  We have collected a lot of data that we will look at more closely in the next little while.

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