Monday, 4 December 2017

Shooting Hoops

Did you know there was a super moon this morning??๐ŸŒ•๐ŸŒ•
I do!!
What do shooting hoops and math have to do with each other?  Well, a lot actually.  We are learning how to play basketball in gym right now so we decided to collect data on how many baskets we can make and graph the information.  Then we wrote in our math journals how the information might be helpful for a basketball scout looking to put people onto their team.  Great fun.  We accomplished a lot.
Last week we read 'The Raft' where a lot of animals visit a boy on his raft during the summer.  Today everyone got a non-fiction piece of writing about one of those animals and we completed a four quadrants of thought organizer.  After reading the information students made notes of important facts, looked up the bold word from their reading in the dictionary, drew a picture and asked questions.  It is a lot of work and we will continue tomorrow.  Making jot notes is the hard part as there is always that need to copy the authors words exactly.

School calendar sent home today.

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